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Dear Friend,
You definitely don't want to be bored with a sermon. Being a copywriter, I ought to know to not do that to you. So. I'll keep this short for you.
I have set out on a journey that none of my school and college mates dared to take. You're probably wondering what the heck is this guy talking about.
I'll get that to that in a bit.
I'll be telling you 2 short stories today. Just 2 of them. No big deal.
These short stories form the basis of who I'm today. And I'm sure they will help you in some way or the other, in your own journey.
First, let us talk about love.
Back in DPS RKP, in class 11, I fell in love. And I was madly in love. Her name was Annie. And I found her beautiful.
I found life harsh because she used to hate me. You probably know how terrible and painful that feels. Time didn't stop though.
School ended. And of course, there wasn't much hope after that.
But. I hope you don't love anybody that way. Because it is poison. But. Now we're moving off topic.
The question is why did Annie hate me?
And the answer is simple. I was different. Weird in fact. Teenagers, and popular girls in particular don't like that. One bit. You'd agree with that perhaps.
My classmates used to call me an Alien due to my stratospheric IQ but weird behaviour.
And most of all, I just didn't have the courage to approach Annie directly. I never got the courage to talk to her confidently. Even though she was in the same school bus!
And as you probably know, girls hate lack of confidence. And I was as under confident as one could be.
Long story short, Annie was never in my life as my GF.
And it was the biggest setback ever. You'd probably not want anything remotely similar to happen to you. Pray it doesn't happen to you. And I'll pray for you too.
And the biggest hurdle that was there was overcoming that Asperger related behaviour. You understand that. Right?
Anyway, enough about the first story.
You probably want to hear the next one.
The final one.
My love for Annie made me start my own company. Weaving Thoughts. When I was not even 18 years old.
Yes, I did enrol in a full time college course. From Delhi University, no less. I attended Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies and majored in Finance. And I did graduate as well. Albeit. I just about passed. But that isn't what we are talking about right now. Right?
Coming back to the point.
Back in 2008, age 18 years, I still loved Annie. A lot. And that will never change. It hasn't changed in 2016 either. And starting Weaving Thoughts was the best way I could think of to impress her. And to earn enough to buy gifts for her. Of course the gifting part never materialised.
You'd have done the same thing. Right? Thought so!
And later on Weaving Thoughts was to become my dream. My passion. My love. My life. I didn't need to take up a job when my friends were taking up jobs or going for higher education.
There were times of success and those of failure. And even now I'm still recuperating from a low. But at least I'm happier than ever and I can see a glimpse of light at the end of the tunnel.
To top it all. I have been on anti-depressants ever since school ended. I have been suicidal for a significant part of this journey. And not everything is hunk dory even now. As you'd probably have guessed.
There is a point I'm trying to make.
Had Annie not been in my life as an inspiration, I would have never started Weaving Thoughts.
Had I not started Weaving Thoughts, I would just be an unhappy and disgruntled employee in a corporate job with no existence of his own. I would never have been happy. And I wouldn't know what to do about it either.
Had Annie accepted me, I don't know whether I'd have taken out enough time to pursue Weaving Thoughts through college.
And this is just the tip of the ice berg.
There is a lot of stuff that never made sense till even a year ago. And there is much that doesn't make sense even now.
Once you believe that you reside in the Creator of the Universe. And that he resides in you. And. That you and the Lord are all but one. You'll be better equipped to deal with the problems that come.
It may not always work out. But. Do you know anything that will?
Back in grade 12, when all of us were 17 year olds, Annie had kept a Karwa Chauth fast for her then boyfriend, who of course didn’t do the same for her! Frustrated at the thought of enjoying my meal while she was hungry and thirsty, I decided to keep one for her myself. That day, I didn’t drink a drop of water nor ate a bite of food till I broke my fast with her pic when the moon came out. Of course, she doesn’t know this even today. (I did drink a few drops of water early morning with my medicines, but that’s it!)
P.S. The name of my love has been changed to Annie to maintain her privacy. Which becomes even more important now that she's happily married. Not to me of course!
I'm single and ready to mingle.
P.P.S. Some 340 or so poems that I wrote for Annie, that I have self published on Amazon.com. Across two volumes.
P.P.S. You can download the poems for free from my server:
About the author:
Aakshey Talwar is the founder and CEO of Gaia Internet aka GaiaQ.com and Weaving Thoughts. Both companies are really two sides of the same coin.
Gaia Internet is an on-demand content writing service that is trying to make a mark for itself.
GaiaQ has worked as a content vendor with Nearbuy, MobiKwik, Portea, VC Circle, Economic Times, Times Internet, Hyatt, CoverFox and many more big brands.
Aakshey was a Dipsite and graduated from CBS (DU). He is a big foodie, avid music lover and crazy gadget freak!
To learn more about Aakshey Talwar or to contact him, visit Aakshey.com
To learn more about GaiaQ, visit GaiaQ.com
To learn more about Weaving Thoughts, visit WeavingThoughts.com
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